
Showing posts from October, 2011

Homework post for 2A

Express you opinion on the following: Do you like exams or would you like to do more coursework? Which will be most important in your career, money or job satisfaction? Do you think boys care more than girls about 'looking cool' in front of their mates? Do you believe that girls have more time to study than boys? Remember, always justify your opinion and give examples. Word limit: 200. Deadline: November 14. Enjoy it!

Homework post for 2F

Another homework post for you, folks. Express you opinion on the following: Do you like exams or would you like to do more coursework? Which will be most important in your career, money or job satisfaction? Do you think boys care more than girls about 'looking cool' in front of their mates? Do you believe that girls have more time to study than boys? Remember, always justify your opinion and give examples. Word limit: 200. Deadline: November 14. Enjoy it!