Individual work for 2C: What would you do?


Word limit: min. 3 sentences each question. Deadline: 16 April 2021.


Anonymous said…
1.first I would wait a moment because the owner may be back soon. If he/she hadn't come back, I would have returned the bag to the police station. I could also try to find any owner's documents in the bag in order to contact him.
2. I'd call the police because it's a bit of a suspicious situation. I prefer not to get involved in such situations.
3. Yes it would be. If it belonged to the criminal, I would have called the police right away because it's a serious situation. If it belonged to poor or rich person, I would first try to find the owner myself and then report the find to the police.
4. I would tell the truth, because the truth would come out sooner or later anyway. If I told the truth I could get some advice to what to do in this situation.
5.I don't think so. I'm not good in making stories and when I'm lying I always get very nervous too. So there is no chance they will fall for it.
Szymon K.
Anonymous said…
1.At first I would try to look around and ask some people if it is their bag. If the owner was there, I'd give him the bag. If not, I'd take it back at the bus station. I think the owner will quickly find out that the bag is not there and will come back for it.
2.My first reaction would be a shook, because $5.000 is a lot of money. I would probably call my mum and ask what to do. And then I think that the best solution would be to go and bring the bag to the police station.
3.No, it wouldn't be different. The money must find its owner. It doesn't matter if he is poor or rich. And if the owner would be a criminal I would be glad that I helped the police to catch the thief.
4.Firstly, I would never keep the money, because there is no sense in stealing. A lie will always come out. I would definitely tell the truth.
5.It really depends which of the people close to me and how much money it would be. My friends are able to lie, if it would be a small amount. But my family would never lie. They would try to talk with me and force me to tell the truth.
Agata A
Anonymous said…
1-If I found sports bag in bus stop, I would open it and look for ID card or similar things. But if I didn’t find it, I’d carry this at the police station. Also, I take sports bag in home and use this.
2-If I found in this bag $5000, I’d look for personal data inside this thing. But if I didn’t find ID card or driving license, I would carry bag in my home. Next, I write advertisement on my Facebook and group about Zduńska Wola. Also, I call to mum and friends to ask about this bag.
3-My decision don’t change because this money must find owner. I don’t care if person is rich or poor or criminal. Bag and everything inside aren’t mine and I don’t keep this.
4-If I kept money and bag, I would tell the truth my family and boyfriend. I can say secret because I trust this people and they don’t tell anyone. My friends don’t know about money or something related with case.
5- I particularly good liar (unfortunately). I think my family or close friends don’t know about true story. But boyfriend know me like nobody, and he see right through me.
Patrycja B
Anonymous said…
1. If I found a sports bag at the bus stop, I would check if it is signed. If so, I would try to find the owner via Facebook. If not, I would check what's inside. I would only look for its owner.

2. If I found that much money in it, I would probably take it for myself. But before that, I would check to see if there are any important documents in it, to list at most the rest of the stuff. I would check if there are any cameras nearby to see who owns it.

3. If I found out that the money belongs to a poor person, I would give the whole sum because that person may need it badly. If they belonged to a criminal or a wealthy person, I'd rather not change my mind and take them. I believe that I would use the money much better than they did.

4. I wouldn't tell anyone that I found the money. I would only say to my relatives that I found him. However, I would not be talking about what amount. But if necessary, I would make up a story.

5. It seems to me that I could lie to them with my story. They would believe me because I never lie to them. But I wouldn't tell them I had money anyway.
Wiktoria L.
Anonymous said…
1. I would ignore it because it wasn't mine. I would feel stressful and embarrassed if the owner suddenly appeared. On the other hand I'm a curious person so I would open the bag and check, what's inside.
2. For a while I would be in shock. I would close it and go home trying to forget what I saw or I would take it with me. I would ask and wonder with my friends and the closest family, what to do with this.
3. Yes, because I'm a honest person and I could feel uncomfortably having something which doesn't belong to me. Additionally, this is a huge amount of money. I would give it back because I wouldn't like to have any problems.
4. I'm not a good lier and I'm a nervous person. I would tell the truth about finding this bag. I don't like having secrets.
5. I think that they would see me right through and didn't fall for my imaginary story.
Joanna Misiak
Anonymous said…
1. If I found a sports bag at a bus stop, firstly I would wait because somebody can come back for it. Meanwhile, I would check if there are any patches or ID cards to contact with the owner. If I did not find anything, I would give the bag to the lost property office.
2 If I found money in the bag I would leave them inside. I wouldn't expose myself to theft accusations. If I found a large amount of money I would also call the police because somebody could already notify the missing.
3. If I knew to who belonged money, I wouldn’t change my mind. In both situations, I would report it to the police. If it was the criminal’s money I would report an accusation because it’s my duty to inform about a crime. If I knew that money belonged to a rich or poor person I would also try to make an announcement, because somebody could be worried about a loss like that.
4. I always tell the truth so also in that situation, I would do it. I am convinced that the truth will always come out and usually, the consequences are serious, especially if it concerns crimes.
5. I am a terrible liar so my friends and family never fall for any of my lies. They always see right through me, so there is no chance they would believe me, and it does not matter how good history I would make up.
Zuzanna Lorenc
Anonymous said…
1. If I found a sports bag at the bus stop, I would immediately check if it is signed or if there are any documents confirming the identity of the person who lost the bag. If there was no information, I would have waited a while for the owner. If no one showed up after a few minutes, I would take bag to the nearest police station.
2. I would be very stressed and confused at first. I would call the police right away and ask if nobody reported the bag lost. The rest of the case would be handled by the police or other authority.
3. My decision would be no different. It does not matter if it is a poor or a rich person, the money has to be with the owner. If, however, it turned out that they were stolen and belonged to a criminal, I would not hesitate to take them to the police station.
4. First, I would never take someone else's money home. If I had decided to keep the money, I would have told my family the truth straight away. There is no point in making up a story and sooner or later the truth would come out and I would have big problems.
5. My family knows when I lying and when I telling the truth, so I lie wouldn't work. However, if I told my friends a fairly real story and I would not be nervous, they would believe it. But why lie? I should have told the truth right away and had nothing on my conscience.
Anonymous said…
1. If I would find a bag at a bus stop, I probably wouldn’t care about it because it’s not mine. I don’t like violating someone’s privacy so I would not take this bag or look what is inside.
2. I would look for ID or Driving license. If I didn’t find any of these, I would take this bag home and call the police to report what I found.
3. The money I found wouldn’t be mine so I would have to give it back. It doesn’t matter that they belong to criminal, poor or rich person because each of them is human and the owner of this money.
4. I would definitely tell the truth. I would have to share my story with somebody because I would not be able to lie my relatives and keep this for myself. I’m not a good liar and the truth will always come out sooner or later.
5. They would see right through me because I’m not a good liar. There is no chance that they would fall for my story. They know me better that anyone so they would know that my story isn’t truth.
Zuzanna B
Anonymous said…
1. If I was at the bus stop and found a sports bag right away, I would ask the other person if it was hers. If so, I would just give it away, and if not, I would ask if she saw the person who had the bag and maybe forgot to take it on the bus. If the person did not see anything, I would give the bag to the police, put a post on social media or take mpk and pks to the office and give it to the lost items. Maybe someone will come forward for his loss. 2. I wouldn't mind opening the bag. I would only do this to find some documents. If I found money there, I would go to the police immediately or call them. 3. My decision would be the same in any case. No matter who the money belongs to. You have to be honest. Good is back. 4. If I had kept the money, I would have lied. I would be afraid to tell the truth. My relatives, family or friends would mistake me for a thief and would look at me badly. If I was in a critical situation with money, I could say that I inherited it from a distant uncle. 5. I can't lie, sometimes I do it better than anyone else. I think they would suspect a lie, but over time and with my normal behavior, they would forget and live without accepting each other.
Kinga Kurczak
Anonymous said…
1. If I found someone's sports bag I wouldn’t open it. First of all I would try to find some kind of owners ID on the bag. If that wouldn't be the case, I would try to give it to the lost-and-found office.
2. I would try to return the bag to the owner. Especially if it’s so valuable. Spending someone else’s money is morally wrong.
3. I think looking at social and material status in that situation is wrong. We should give back someone’s property no matter what. I think it’s unfair.
4. I would probably make up some story. I consider myself as a creative person so I think that wouldn’t be a problem. I can really fast think of some story that would make me innocent.
5. I think my friends would fall for my story. As I said, I’m a creative person that can make up stories. On the other hand my mom would probably put some pressure on me to tell the truth, because she knows me that well.
Wiktor Góralczyk
Anonymous said…
1.First of all, I would check if there is any owners ID on it to contact him. Next, I would wait at a bus stop because the owner could come back. If the owner didn't come back for his bag, I would go to the police station and report that someone left a bag at the bus stop.

2. I wouldn't take any dollar from this bag because I'm not greedy. I would go immediately to the police station and report that someone left a bag at the bus stop with 5000 dollars in it.

3. No, because I don't have any proof that this bag belongs to that person, and the important thing is that I don't know where the money came from. It could be money from robbery or illegal transaction. I would go with that person to the police station to confirm that this money is legal and belongs to him.

4. I would make up a story that would easily make me an innocent person. I think that wouldn't be a big problem for me. I think fast, so I guess it won't be a challenge for me

5. I think that friends will fall for it because I'm a creative person story would sound convincing. But if it comes to my family, and especially my parents, it will be hard to convince them. They will pressure me to tell the real story of how I got that money.

Franciszek Kosecki
Anonymous said…
kind of owners ID
Anonymous said…
At the beginning I would look if there is nobody around me, if there was an owner, I would give it back to him. If there was no one I would have waited a few minutes. While I waiting, I would be looking for ID or something. If nobody came, I would take it to the police and leave a message for this person.

I would take it to the police station. I wouldn't ask anyone because some people aren’t be honest and they might only take it because of money. I think it would be right.

No, it wouldn’t be different. It would still not be my money and would go to the owner. If I couldn’t find him, I would go to the police station.

Probably not, because good lies must be remembered and I hate lies. I don't want to be lied so I don't lie to others. I doubt I would keep someone else’s money.

Maybe my friend could be because they would have jumped into the fire after me. My family too but they want they would like me to do a good thing. So probably I would tell the truth.

zuza f.
Anonymous said…
1) If I found a bag at a bus stop I probably wouldn't do anything with it because it's not mine so I wouldn't care. Unless I was alone at the bus stop then I would look inside, but I wouldn't take it. At any time the person who lost the bag could come back for it.
2. if I had found the bag, I probably wouldn't have been able to keep the money for myself and I would have taken it home, and after a while I would have called the police and told them where I had found it.
3. no matter who the money belonged to or where it came from, I would still report it to the police. It could be money from illegal transactions. It doesn't matter if it belongs to a rich person or a poor person, although such money would be more useful to poor people who cannot afford to support their families. If the money belonged to a criminal I would report it immediately.
4) I would certainly tell the truth to the chosen people and even share. And for those less trusting, I would make up a story that would make me look innocent. And most people wouldn't even know it.
5) I think I would tell the truth to family and close friends that I trust, because they wouldn't turn me in and I don't have to lie to them or make up stories. Only if the wrong people found out about it, then I would have to make up a story that they would believe.
Martyna A
Anonymous said…
1. I would wait first, because the owner might come back soon for his stuff. I would check if the bag was signed with an address or a telephone number, and then I could return the loss myself. If no one came forward and the bag did not have a signature, I would probably report it to the driver.
2. I wish I could keep it for myself, but it's not my property so I would give away all the money. I am an honest person and I think that would be unfair. Kotś is probably looking for it, so we shouldn't take anything inside.
3. It doesnt matter because it isn't my money i would give it back anyway no matter how rich / poor would be people who lost this money. It is not good to judge people by their wealth. We should not steal from the rich because they have money, and be honest with the poor and even give them a fortune.
4. If i decided to keep money i would say my bestfriend truth, but not to everyone. I wouldn't talk it over to everyone around because it's silly. However, if I kept the money, not many people would know.
5. I think they would hide the truth because lying is not difficult. If I am talking about a secret, I am talking about a secret, I know you are telling others about it. So I would probably entrust such a secret to a few people from my family and a best friend.

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