Homework post for 3BE: opinion essay+

Volunteers - BeliveMedway

It should be mandatory for all young people to volunteer to help protect the environment. 

Write an opinion essay following the guidelines from pages 60/61 of your coursebook. Word limit: 200-250. Deadline: November 13th. 

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Anonymous said…
''It should be mandatory for all young people to volunteer to help protect the environment''. Nowadays, probably every teenager heard about environmental problems. Global warming and problems like this are subject of many disputes. Some people think that is a big problem , which we must combat as fast as it's possible, while others believe that is not a big problem. In my opinion, it's a good idea for young people to volunteer to help out Earth. I feel that it can figure some environmental problems out.
Firstly, I'd like to say that our nature needs help and we must do our best to protect it. Cooporating work will positivly influence to the Earth future and people. Also, Common teenager's volunteer should be good chance to make new friends. It wouldn't be only hard work.
Moreover, We all contribute to environmental problems , so we should help solve them. Taking part in volunteer work can give us more working experience and learn how to communiate in society and finally, it is a chance to find maybe our future job or new passion.
On the other hand, that most of young people don't want to work for free and spend their free time. Also somebody can say that you mustn't force someone to work and that's true. In my opinion good solution will be that volunteer work will be part of school lesson or students.
All in all, In my opinion is a good idea but need kompromis.
Adam Grala 3b
Anonymous said…
Nowadays, more and more young people hear how important is taking care of our environment. The Earth is becoming more and more polluted. Would it be worth doing something in this direction? Should young people be obliged to be volunteer to help protect
the environment? In my opinion, young people should be volunteers but voluntarily, no
of coercion.
Firstly, this work would benefit young people in the future. For example, as they get older, they will pay more attention to environmental protection and teach others to take care of it. Also, young people contribute to environmental problems and should therefore help solve them. Apart from this, young people will learn not to throw rubbish on the ground because they will see how it is hard to collect and sort it all later.
Moreover, from such volunteering young people can acquire a lot of experience
and they can meet new people. It doesn't have to be just work, you can combine it with fun.
On the other hand, it is unfair to force young people to give up their free time. Sometimes young people have extra-classes after school. Consequently they are low on time for each other. If they want to be volunteer, they will not have free time.
To sum up, young people should take care of the environment but they should be encouraged to do it. If they are forced, they will never understand, what is the most important in all of this. However, they should not do this all their free time.
Gosia J.3b
Anonymous said…
Volunteering to protect the environment is very important. Each person who has the time and willingness to contribute to helping our planet can begin to act in this direction in their own way. In my opinion, each of us, not only young people, should help the world to be greener. It does not take great effort or a lot of time to contribute to the health of our Earth.
First of all, segregating rubbish by each of us can help a lot. Dividing waste into plastic, glass, metal, paper and other materials facilitates their further processing, as, for example, many glass bottles are recycled thanks to which they can be reused.
Many people throw their rubbish into the forest, unfortunately the decomposition of such materials takes a long time, many years. Animals are at risk of being hurt by people who don't think. For example, a bottle that is thrown into the forest can set on fire on a hot day, and can cause a huge fire.
On the other hand, volunteering should be entirely voluntary, it would be bad if some people had to be forced to protect the environment. The best help comes from people who are aware of the risk and willingly contribute to ecological actions.
All in all, I believe that anyone who would like to help our Earth in protecting it from an ecological catastrophe can do it without any problems, consciously and without being forced by anyone. People should understand for themselves what we are facing if we continue to limit plastic and protect what is most important - our planet.

Aleksandra W. 3B
Anonymous said…
We live in times in which environmental pollution is not foreign to us. Living day-to-day people do not distinguish between good and bad behaviors that harm our environment. In my opinion, young and old people should start volunteering to help in this situation, but it should not be imposed on us. There should be articles or posters encouraging us to start volunteering.
Firstly, if volunteering will be imposed on young people, they will become more discouraged. For example, young people tend to object. So if someone impose them something, they won't do it.
Moreover, Volunteering should be fun and encourage people to take part in it, not force them to discourage them. There should be an action that will positively show us volunteering, its advantages and benefits, it will help a lot. In that people will start helping our world to be better.
On the other hand, some people will not want to change or improve anything if no one imposes it on it. Even the best advertisement or the best banner will not be able to convince them to help clean the environment, but they can't be forced to do this. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions.
All in all volunteering should not be compulsory. People should be encouraged to do something, but not forced. There should be public campaigns, advertisements, articles, banners that will show the benefits that will come from it. It would work better for people to start helping the environment.
W.K 3b
Anonymous said…
Nowadays we have a lot of environmental problems. The biggest of them is air pollution and rubbish everywhere. If people do it in future, our planet will be landfill without clear and fresh air. In my opinion it is important that young people help protect the environment.
Firstly, our cities and forests would be far enjoyable without thrown rubbish. People can sorting rubbish, because of them a new thing can arise. It is important to know that plastic, glass, tires need several years to decompose. Also, our landscape would be more pleasant for a walk and soil would be better.
Moreover, people would be healthier without air pollution, which are from costant streams of traffic and our fireplaces. More people would choose electric fireplace, which does not emit polutants. As a result, we would breathe clean air and people would not be sick.
On the other hand, for many people it is unfair to force young people to give up their free time. Few parents teach their children what they can do to stay our planet health and then this young people do not pay attention for that.
All in all, young people can overcome all environmental problems, because they will be live here and then their children and so on. I feel that the things which I described can change our environment.
Julia Mazurek 3E
Anonymous said…
Young people are often volunteers and help others, but not everyone wants to do it and they have time for it. They asks himself if all young people should be obliged to volunteer for the environment.

First of all, people learn from an early age that they should help others and not always need to take money for it. You can help selflessly and in the future it will certainly be rewarded. This work would benefit young people in the future.

On the other hand, a lot of free time is devoted to it. Not everyone wants to spend their free time in this way. Some dont want and others simply cannot because they have too little of it. It is unfair to force young people to give up thier free time.Everyone should decide for himself

Young people have a great influence on our planet. They should take care of it because they will still live there for a long time. Young people contribute to environmental problems and should therefore help solve them.

in my opinion, teenagers should help protect and care for our planet because they have a big influence on it. However, it should be their choice and not an obligation
PO 3b
Anonymous said…
There is only one world. Sometimes we forget about this fact, though. Today air pollution is the biggest in our history. Particularly youth will have to face with that problem. In my opinion, a teenager should provide for the Earth nowadays. It should be mandatory for all young people to volunteer to help protect the environment.
Firstly, voluntary service allows teenagers to raise a lot of field experience. In my case I based my personality right on social activity. I believe if we start make world over earlier it give us more. I mean command of set events up or relate to people and their problems. These ruling principles are very beginning of our future.
Moreover each form of peoples’ support as well is an enormous aid to us. We can increase the level of self-assessment. I consider it is significant, especially when youth limp through mental disorders.
On the other hand, it is said that it is unfair to force young people to give up their free time. It is claimed that part of youth have a lot of different hobbies, duties and stuff they have to manage with.
All in all, I consider a voluntary service shouldn’t take youth more than a one or two hours per week. As I ascertained in the opening line, we have only one planet. Perhaps it is a good time to improve our awareness of potential danger.

Maciej Kaczmarek IIIB
Anonymous said…
Nowadays our environment is exposed to numerous pollutants. Increasingly, people are dumping their trash into forests, and sewage flows into rivers and lakes. The public is unaware of the serious consequences of environmental pollution. However, there are volunteers who care about the environment, but should it be compulsory for all young people?
The first argument is that it is the young people who should take care of the planet as much as possible, because they will live here for a good few years. Young people also have more energy than older people.
The second argument for is that volunteering allows you to gain experience, acquire new skills and knowledge. Volunteers have a better chance of getting their dream job. Thanks to their activity, volunteers have the opportunity to make new friends. All these skills are useful for young people later in life.
However, such compulsory volunteering also has bad sides, the biggest problem is the lack of remuneration, and a volunteer takes a lot of time and energy. There is often no time for other things, and I know that such young people need to learn and earn money.
Unfortunately, it may also happen that the work of a volunteer is underestimated and his opinion is not taken into account. In addition, it may also happen that the volunteer will be used in the company for tasks that he should not perform at all, but which will help the company save. Therefore, it can discourage young people from further development.
Summing up, being a volunteer is a serious and time-consuming job. It is not known if everyone is ready for it, but the very idea of ​​protecting the environment is right and everyone should try at least a little to make our life better on this planet. W.L. 3B
Anonymous said…
For some time people less and less take care of the Earth. It is becoming more and more polluted. This is because young people aren't educated about protect the environmemt.Should young people be obliged to be volunteer to help protect
the environment?
Firstly, i think that be volunteer to help protect learn young people sorting rubbish. A lot of young people don't sorting garbage. They think that throwing rubbish into one bin is faster and more comfortable. They don't realize how harmful it is.
Secondly, it's good way to learn teenagers responsibility and order. We often meet the situation, when young person with the bin next to him, throw out garbage on the grass. It's not good. They should will be responsible for all people and environment, where we life. If our environment is polluted, we have problem with healthy.
On The other hand i think that be volunteer to help protect shouldn't be mandatory. Forcing someone to help is not good.
In my opinion it's good idea to protect our environment, but young people must want it. It is not worth doing anything by force. I think that teen, who will be volunteer to help protect the environmemt will learn all of this and he will be able to hand on conquered knowledge farther. Thanks for this other people learn to care for the environment and our Earth will be cleaner.
P. K 3E
Anonymous said…

In today’s world global pollution this is a major problem.
However, In my opinion this is not necessary to young people must work as volunteer to help protect the environment.
Firstly ,the young people don’t always have time to dedicate yourself for this voluntary organization.
They have your duty, your passion and right to a rest.
They could devote their time to practise your hobby and devote time to relatives. Why does the topic consider only young people who, in my opinion, have much higher awereness of taking care of the environment than the elderly?
Furthermore, such an obligation is a restriction on human freedom and them rigths of choice.
If someone would be interested in this voluntary organization , they would come forward themselves, it isn’t good to impose such an obligation.
Nobody don’t like to be forced to do anything.
On the other hand, some people may think that it is necessary to teach more and more young people to take care of environment, because only they have real impact on a upbringing of future generations and awakening them that this problem is very important .
All in all I don’t see the need for such methods of educating and raising awareness of young people.
Protecting the environment is important, but we can be use other methods of learning and raising people’s awareness.
Z.Sz kl 3 B
Anonymous said…
Today is very popular to join to volunteer organization among young people. Some of them do it of their own accord, but the others aren’t that prone to do something to environment. The environmental problems are very common nowadays and everybody should care about it. But should it be mandatory for young people?
Firstly, our planet need our help. We must to do everything we can to improve environmental. Especial young people should take care of the Earth because volunteer work would benefit them in the future. For example, taking part in such events, they get more working experience and learn to communicate in society. Moreover young people contribute to environmental problems and should therefore help solve them. Each of us should care about environment because it is our planet and we must look after it.
On the other hand, it is unfair to force young people to give up their free time. Volunteer work shouldn’t be mandatory, because if someone don’t wont to do it probably do it wrong or inaccurately. This kind of work isn’t as easy as it seems to be and not everybody can deal with it.
All in all, young people shouldn’t be mandatory to volunteer to help protect the environmental. They should do it on their own. We often hear young people statements for protect the Earth. They do it because they care about the environmental and we don’t have to force it.
Ania Adamkiewicz 3B
Anonymous said…
Our planet is currently very polluted. Nature cries out for help. We should do something about it, but in my opinion it should not be mandatory for all young people to volunteer to help protect the environment.
Firstly, children should be educated about ecology from an early age. Both by parents and teachers at school. They should know how to protect the environment and undertake such activities on their own. They should not be forced into anything. Not every child or young person needs to be a volunteer. Some may help the planet in their own way. The most important thing is that they know what to do to improve the situation on our planet and implement it in their lives.
Moreover, I think that forcing or naming something mandatory can only discourage and not encourage to activity on this matter.
On the other hand people believe that young people will not do anything by themselves and that the only solution to protect the environment is the obligation to help. Then each child will work towards the environment and it is probably that they will have this habit for the rest of their lives.
All in all the situation in the world is not the best and we should all do something about it, but maybe not by forcing each other to do it, but by learning good habits.

Amelia Gaik 3B
Anonymous said…
These days, more and more is being said about environmental problems in the modern world. The most visible problems are littering and air pollution. In my opinion, young people can be volunteer to help protect the environment.
To begin with, this work would definitely benefit young people in the future. For example, it learn them responsibility, organizing and collaborative work. Apart from this, young people contribute to environmental problems, so they should therefore help solve them. If they see how much work, effort and commitment it takes, they will pay more attention to take care of our environment.
On the other hand, it is unfair to force young people to give up their free time. A lot of young people have duties, hobbies, part-time job or extra-curricular activities like for example music college. In addition, someone can care for the environment despite they are not being a volunteer. Just they don’t want to be a volunteer and we should accept their decision and not force them, because it can bring opposite effect.
All in all, everyone (not only young people) should protect our planet. Young people can be volunteers but we shouldn’t pressure them to do it. It should be their own choice, not impose mandatory attitude.
Patrycja Lorenczak 3b
Anonymous said…
Sometimes we think about our future, what we will do or who we will be. But did we think about what would happen to our planet, the environment then? A wise man said that young people are our future that we should take care of. However, if we take care of them, who will take care of the environment ? Our planet is destroyed every day and hour by deforestation, water pollution from huge fabricks and many other risks. People are not interested in the planet, but only their own needs, which are often not safe for the environment.
By destroying what is around us, we destroy ourselves without knowing it so I believe that all young people should volunteer to help protect the environment. In order for our planet to become healthy, the younger generation should start taking care of it, starting with giving up the convenience of driving a car and finding another means of transport. Thanks to this, we will clean our air from hazardous substances that will improve our health. In order for the environment not to be affected by us, we should organise the collection of garbage in forests more often so that animals and the environment do not suffer.
On The other hand, some young people don't have enought time to do this but they can help when they start waste recycling in their houses. Even they just don't waste energy they really help environment.
I believe all young people will start volunteer to protect the planet for their future in many different ways to breathe clean and fresh air.
Dominik Góra 3E

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