
Showing posts from 2013

Speech topics for 2D

You'll find plenty of topics here . Pick one and enjoy it.

Homework: Time

Powiedz a później napisz która jest godzina na zegarze . Have fun!

Number 3


Homework Primary

Homework Primary


Write a message to the people who will open your time capsule 100 years from now. Include this information: who you are, when and why you are burying the time capsule, an explanation of your choice of items, on or two problems the world is facing today (e.g. climate change, war, poverty, etc.), when the time capsule should be opened.  Word limit: 150. EXTRA for the top grade: Imagine you are a person who opens the capsule in 100 years. Write a short e-mail to a friend describing how you felt when you opened the capsule and saw the strange old objects. Remember, you are living 100 years from now. BE INVENTIVE! Word limit: 100 Deadline: Sept. 23


Z dniem 1 lipca 2013 zmieniliśmy lokalizację i zapraszamy do nowej siedziby szkoły przy ul. Łaskiej 77/4 (wejście od ul. Osmolińskiej, pierwsza brama po lewo).

Homework post for 1D

Write your opinion, which announcement appeals to you most. Provide reasons and possible consequences of your choice. Word limit is 100. Deadline: June 3, 2013.

Good food

Respond to the question in min. 80 words. Post your homework as a comment as anonymous. Remember to sign your name. Deadline: May 7th., 2013. Have fun! Do you think school should try to improve their student's diet, or should students be able to choose what they eat? Justify your answer.

Strategie egzaminacyjne - matura ustna

Just sharing... a nice piece of advice, follow the link .