Good food
Respond to the question in min. 80 words. Post your homework as a comment as anonymous. Remember to sign your name. Deadline: May 7th., 2013. Have fun!
Do you think school should try to improve their student's diet, or should students be able to choose what they eat? Justify your answer.
Do you think school should try to improve their student's diet, or should students be able to choose what they eat? Justify your answer.
Bartosz Sylla ID
Aleksandra Lech - klasa Id
Piotr Kucharski ID
Ania Pietrowska kl. Id
Kamil Ruszkowski ID
Ewa Wrąbel kl.ID
Kinga Włodarczyk Id
Magdalena Wojtysiak ID
Adam Staniucha ID
KRystian Majda I:D
Kamil Golec ID
Marysia Nyklewicz, kl.Id
I think that schools should try to improve their student's diet. Students today do not pay attention to what they eat. Young people often don't think what is healthy or unhealthy for their body .Parents and school are obliged to play an important role in student's healthy diet. Thanks to them, the students have the opportunity to provide the body essential nutrients and keep health. I think that in school canteens and shops should be available products full of vitamins, proteins and omega-3. In such an accessible way, we can easily encourage students to lead a healthy life. Also I think that in the school should be lessons on healthy nutrition, because students in each century spend a lot of time at school.
Aleksandra Jabłońska kl. ID
Damian Figiński Kl. 1D