Homework post for P2

Write about your best friend or a member of your family etc. (Napisz o swoim przyjacielu lub o kimś z rodziny) Use the questions. (Użyj pytań pomocniczych)

What's his/her first name?
What's his/her surname?
What's his/her nationality?
When is his/her birthday?
Where is he/she from?
What's his/her favourite day?
What's his/her favourite month?


Anonymous said…
This is my brother Nikodem. He is three years old and he is from Poland. His favourite spotr is fotball. His favourite day is Sunday. His birthday is the twenty-second of April ( julia)
Anonymous said…
1)His name is Michał.
2)His surname is Szubański.
3)His from Poland.
4)His brithday is the first of june nineteen ninety- six.
5)His from Zduńska-Wola.
6)His favorite day is saturday.
7)His favorite month is summer.
Mińka said…
This is my brother.
His name is Wiktor Filipiak.He is from Poland in Zduńska wola.
Wiktor's birthday is the thirtieth of November.
His faworite day is Thursday and his favorite sport is football.
Wiktor's favorites month is December.
Anonymous said…
Her is on Patrycja Knoblewska.She have got fourteen years old and she is from Polish.Her faworite sport is volleyball.Her favorite day is Friday.Her birthday is the twenty of December nineteen ninety-fouf.
Mińka said…
This is my brother.
His names is Wiktor Filipiak.He is from Zduńska Wola in Poland.
wiktor's birthday is the thirten of November.
His faworite day is Thursday and his faworite sport is foodball.
Wiktor's favorite month is December
Anonymous said…
Her name is Helenka
Her surname is Kubiak
Her from Poland
Her brithday is the twenty-fifth of August dwenty-six
Her from Podłężyce
Her favourite day is saturday
Her favourite month is July
Anonymous said…
1)His name is Michał Szubański.
2)He is from Poland.
3)His brithday is the first of june nineteen ninety-six.
4)He is from Zduńska-Wola.
5)His favorite day is Saturday.
6)His favorite month is june.

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