FIRST steps ahead

Hi guys!

... and this is exactly where you're going to place your homework. Some of you might already know about it but some might not, I presume. I've labelled your group as FCE Masterclass Group. Like it or not, nothing's going to change it... :)
I do hope you'll like the classes and show me what you're made of.
Enjoy it!

P. Szczepansky

PS. Can't wait to check your essays... :)


Anonymous said…
There are a lot of animals in the world. Some of them live widely in Africa, Asia but there is a part of creatures which have to live in zoos. Everybody can have right to the exercise of freedom so should animals live in zoos?

The major advantage of living in zoos is that animals are always safe there. They do not worry about predators which can kill them. Secondly, creatures are feed regularly, and the food is appropriate to their weight, liking for plants or meet. What is more zoos help to upholding biological spices for example there is making artificial insemination.

On the other hand animals are forced into living in small, wire cages or in bigger runs reminiscent their natural environment. In addiction creatures lose their instinct because everything what they want is given by zoo staff. There is most often only one animal from spices in zoo, so they can be lonely and can miss from home, love and nature.

To sum up animals should not be kept in zoos. In my opinion the better idea is to create big and open national parks where animals can live freely and happy.

195 words
KarolinaSz said…
Should animals be kept in zoos? It is hard to decide that is good or bad. There are advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in cages.

Firstly animals are provided with food and water which can be very dangerous in their natural environment. Secondly zoos protect endangered species from extinction. For example for The Great Panda live only in natural habitat is threatened with extinction and for this reason keeping them in zoos is favourable . Thirdly thanks to zoos people can see in real animals from Africa, Asia and other continents. Also children have a lot of fun seeing tigers, giraffes, rhinos and other.

On the other hand animals live in cages. Living in captivity have negative effect on animals which lose their instincts. This is natural that tigers need to hunt but in zoos they do not have this chance. Secondly in many zoos animals are treated very badly by their keepers. They are underfed and their cages are dirty. Furthermore they do not have enough space to walk or run. For this reason animals fell unhappy and sad.

To sum up keeping animals in zoos has advantages and disadvantages. People should create zoos with well conditions and more space for their inhabitants. This is the best solution of all problems.

209 words
Anonymous said…
Today in the world there are a lot of animals. One of them are the best friend human, and the rest live wildly somewhere in our world. But should they be kept in zoos?

Living in zoos have advantages. Animals always have something to eat and they are there safe. They live without dangerous that someone can killed and eat them. Secondly they have a place, their own place where they live. Everything is done like at their ‘homes’. Thirdly people can meet some species which lived far away on the another continents. Children have a lot of fun when they see so many animals.

The biggest disadvantages is keeping animals in the cages which are small. They cannot reproduce in their natural conditions. Mostly animals are alone in cages. Tigers or another wildly animals cannot hunt for their meal. Cages killed their self-preservation instinct. Some snails or fish are vulnerable on rapping to theirs aquarium. The next problem is season. It is generally known that people goes to zoos on summers. In Winter zoos have not got many visitors. Animal are lonely and they missed their home.

In my opinion animals should not be kept in zoos. It is too pain for them. People should do many natural parks when they can seeing animals in their natural conditions.

219 words

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