Homework post for 2A

Exit Through The Gift Shop

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This is the inside story of Street Art - a brutal and revealing account of what happens when fame, money and vandalism collide. Exit Through the Gift Shop follows an eccentric shop-keeper turned amateur film-maker as he attempts to capture many of the world's most infamous vandals on camera, only to have a British stencil artist named Banksy turn the camcorder back on its owner with wildly unexpected results.

One of the most provocative films about art ever made, Exit Through the Gift Shop is a fascinating study of low-level criminality, comradeship and incompetence. By turns shocking, hilarious and absurd, this is an enthralling modern-day fairytale... with bolt cutters.

Read about Banksy
and more

Watch the documentary.

What is your opinion on the documentary?
What do you think of graffiti artists like Banksy?
Is graffiti an act of vandalism or art?

Respond in min 150 words. Deadline: 02 Jan. 2012
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Enjoy it!


Anonymous said…
I hadn’t been thinking t think that it could be so specific film before I watched it.
I didn’t expect people like Thierry . I thought cameraman is cameraman. He records his film on tapes, then he improves and changes it on computer to show to the others. That’s why the end of this documentary surprised me. It’s a history how a French filmmaker became famous Street Art artist
in the centre of developing world of Street Art. In my opinion it is proper film to understand this part of our modern culture.
IMHO artists like Banksy , Space Invader or Shepard are just amazing. They are people with huge creativity and they drawing and painting skills really impress me. I think that their lifestyle is one of the most interesting in the world. They express their self by pictures on walls , sculptures or installation like phone box. And the escaping from police officers must be exiting :D
I am of opinion that there are 2 types of Street Art. Firestone like this http://farm1.static.flickr.com/23/31502495_137f5a6e36.jpg OR
which is fascinating. It changes our grey, sad and boring cities and makes people stop, admire it and then think about the masterpiece and author. But on the other side there are unfortunately things like this
on our cities’ walls or on trains. Is it art ? I don’t think so. It is rather vandalism. I think that art should astonish us and capture our the imagination and minds and I don’t make out here.
Summing up Street Art like most things has 2 sides of coin so we can’t exactly that it is kind of art or rather vandalism in 100%.

Sebastian Jonczyk
Anonymous said…
I am really into art, and I love finding out new ways to express myself but after watching this film I can't find other word than „boring” to describe it. In real I think there was more information about Mr. Brainwash than about real street art. By the way he is quite odd and not as interesting as other street artists and theirs works. In my opinion he was called an artist because of beginner's luck. And the only part i like was about Space Invaders and Banksy.64

Banksy impress me and I think it is shame that we don't have more such talented people. Because of his works graffiti became art and people started to pay attention to this. He is very creative person and maybe I am even a bit envy about his talent. When I saw some of his work I thought I really want to try graffiti in future.

It is hard to say if graffiti is art or vandalism. I hate when people just write some stupid words on walls and don't even care if it looks good. This kind of graffiti is not art for me.
On the other hand everything that we made and published to express ourselfs is kind of art. And it is not hard to find many great graffiti works. Because of that I think graffiti is kind of art. And I wish it will be sill evolving.

Malwina Suwała
Anonymous said…
I watched this documentary two days ago, and I still have flashes of these all picuters of Street Art. This documentary shows real and good side of it. Actually it's worth of recommend to every each person we know. It's briliant because it shows first days of "small" way how people can express themeselves, to thesedays when it's as popular as normal paintings in museums.
It also shows us how far you can go with hobby from almost nothing at your account, to big fame and popularity, namely - born of Thierry Guetta.

Banksy is propably one of first people who has invented this form of expression of this what's inside of your head, of your mind. In my oppinion every single person in the world should find way how to show what you are good at and share it with another person, and another, and another. Banksy has done it. After wathing this documentary I think he's very talented, and great person. He hasn't gave up with his ideas, he wanted to be beyond recognition, and he was.

Graffiti is more art than vandalism. Mostly people that are opposed, are old people who don't how to appreciate work and talent of another people. They are boring, let say "existing" on this planet only to complain on eachother. They don't know how to do "SOMETHING" with their own lives. People who are making graffities knows that, and actually they don't care about it.
They will do it and they will not be worried about it.

Bartłomiej Derek
Anonymous said…
This documentary pleased me though I think I will inform more about Banksy. I have widen manner in some knowledge about creation graffiti. Not all drawings graffiti fallen to for taste but many of they positively surpised me.
In my opinion Banksy is real graffiti artist. He wanted that him work knew all but that nobody knew he. Banksy did not depend on huge fame. It pleases him that people identify him graffiti and they like it what he do.
According to law graffiti is illegal though is vandalism. In my opinion this is certain kind of art but not to the end. Many graffiti which I saw were great and some have made on me huge impression. Unfortunately such which compromise people. On luck it is not enough. Majority graffiti possible to admire and respect, for example it which presents pope Jan Paweł II. It is not obliged to be called something 'vandalism' that pleases and accepts for positive big part of society. Many places, walls is possible to fill amazing ideas of garffiti artists.

Justyna Jagieła
Anonymous said…
I don't like documentary. It's really boring for me to watch this type of film. Usually this kind of films are not very interesting due to unattractive story. I thought that graffiti is act of vandalism, but after watching this film I changed my mind. It's gripping and beautiful art, which request talent.
In my opinion Banksy is very talented person. It’s enjoyable that he works for job satisfaction, not for money. He has passion and he’s doing what he likes – I think that it’s the most important thing in life. I admire Banksy because he sets himself goal to improve art skills and he aims.
It’s hard to say that graffiti is art but it’s not easy to call it vandalism too. I think that graffiti is both. It can be art when it looks fine and appeal to the people. When it’s ugly or with swear-words in it, when it destroys a landscape of city – it’s vandalism.

Katarzyna Urbańska
Anonymous said…
In my opinion this documentary is very interesting, because we can know those people, which make art on the street. Actually we don’t understand why they do this, because usually we don’t know author of pictures and this documentary show some of them.

I like people who are like Banksy, because they have vision and they make something fascinating. He has got passion and he doing what he loves. He shows other side of our life, which is sometimes grey and make it color.

As to me graffiti isn’t vandalism, because this pictures, which is on the wall is definitely art, which express spirit of author. I think is very hard to draw something like them, when you know this is dangerous and you can may go to jail, but I don’t understand why someone make pictures, which is vulgar and destroy view of building, because this is “fun”. In my mind if you don’t know what you want to draw- don’t do this.

Gabriela Soboń
Anonymous said…
I seldom watch documentary. I don't like this kind of films, but I enjoyed "Exit Through The Gift Shop". The story is about person who has passion and sets the goals. People who watched this film can to make sense of what they are seeing on the walls and appreciate the ardour and hard work grafiti artists.

I think Banksy is very talented and independet person. He likes to paint and ignore distractions. He knows that graffiti is illegal, but this is his passion, his live and don't resign for it. In my opinion Banksy is really passionate about graffiti. He doesn't want money for his acts. I think that many people would like to be as brave as Banksy.

I suppose graffiti isn't vandalism, but everybody can have a different opinion. Young people are looking for new ways and places where they can to spread their passion. Maybe walls and streets are the best for they? You can decide what you want to show people, what you want to paint. In 2011, 2012 years exhibitions of graffiti are in some cities. Street Arts are spreading in the world.

Paulina Jurczyk
Anonymous said…
-This film was really exciting I'm very fascinating about street art. This documentary show us objective picture of this type of art.After watching this film we can see how hard life street artist have.Every day they balance on the edge. Before I saw this movie I didn't except that this film will be stranger to other production. It has a real characters who take part in it for real. Thas was soo awesome and crazy.It shows a real emotions and power what resides in poeple who want to do something what they are passionate about, for example Thierri Guetta.
-I think that people like Banksy are great example to proof that We can do whatever we want if we only have faith in it and we don't give up. I saw how strong personalities they are to never back down a try harder to do unnormal and crazy things,and I'm buy it, I'm really itno their arts. They make a fantastic job and I admire their skills and lifestyle.I think that thnks to them new arts has had a begining.
- I think definitely that graffiti is art. Some people call it vandalism because they can't understand a ideology of street art.Graffiti must be paint on the streets, walls and buildings because this gives a different style of it. Now it's part of our urban culture and everyone have to deal with it. In my opinion it's grat art and it is amazing to can admire this differetn kind of art.

Fred Bartosz

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