Homework post for 2E

http://assets.entrepreneur.com/article/1413484001-10-time-management-tips-that-work-infographic.jpg?_ga=1.131709519.1513823065.1448465579Time Management
Follow the instructions:

1 Comment (min 80 words) how you manage time. Use the questions below to help you:

  • How do you control time?
  • Are you happy with the way you control time?
  • Do you have enough time? Why? Why not?
  • Do you use any techniques to better organize yourself. If so, which ones?

2 Watch the video and read the article to learn more about the subject. 
Comment on each tip how effective or ineffective it would be in your case (min 200 words).

Deadline: December 1, 2015


Anonymous said…
1.I consider myself to be well organised. My mornings and evenings always looks very similar. I don't have written plan about every day because, in my view it's impossible to write everything down on paper and do every task in the next day. I tried to do this many times, but indeed i was very tired and discouraged, because I didn't do everything what I planned. My morning and evening routine came habitually.I always know what I suppose to do after other thinks. So I never plan my day on paper but in my head. Before I'm going to sleep I usually think about the most important think's I should do next day. And I simply do this. Thanks that I never absorb my head of irrelevant thinks, I still have time for spontaneity. The only think I'm usually writing down in my calendar are tests, to know when is which. Very helpful is that I don't have account on any social pages like facebook, they are thief of time! I'm content that I've worked out my daily routine because i don't feel, that I waste my time, however i still have it much for relax.

2. Tips from video and article are very helpful for person who are entrepreneur. For common people only few can be useful. Each student should pay attention on tip number nine. Nowadays the most time are waste for social pages, which causes trivial conversations and actions, like giving likes under photos or comment friend's selfies. First tip is interesting but impractical in real life. I can't imagine myself to record everything what i say or think of.So that tip is definitely ineffective for me. Second again is for entrepreneurs who have got many business inter locutions. I can't plan time for each conversations , even these most important, because its impassible. We have conversations every day so we can't predicted when and about what would we talk. The same refers to tips number seven. In home we can't put "do not disturb" sign. Interesting are tips five and six because they boil down to think, what we do and during we do something. Many people forget about thinking. Important are ten and four, we need to let our brains breath and relax during day. We can't be too demanding for ourselves because it would make us feel like we are useless. Smart is tip number eight, we can't be at somebody's beck and call! We have to learn other people to wait for us because we have our own business. In my opinion the most important thinks is to know, that we don't need to hurry to have a lot of time. We just need to think about use it.

Anonymous said…
I must say that I'm not very good at managing time. And this is quite a big problem for me. Every evening (or maybe I better say "night" because I go to bed after midnight very often), before falling asleep, I make a plan of what I'm going to do next day. And the next night I'm angry because I haven't done everything I wanted to. There may be several reasons of this situation. First, I'm probably a perfectionist and I want everything to be done perfectly. That's why I spend a lot of time doing my homework. And the second cause is obvious - I waste my time surfing the net. I don't use techniques to better organize myself and I'm even not sure if I've heard of any.

1. I think it makes sense. I know that I waste my time but I don’t do anything with this. So maybe I should count hours I waste. If it turned out that it was about one day lost per week, this would be probably a shock. But maybe I need a shock?
2. I think it wouldn’t change a lot in my situation because I already make plans and I don’t only say what I’m supposed to do but also when. But it’s irrelevant because already the first planned activity lasts too much…
3. And what if my “goal” is to get some rest? Does it mean I should prioritize this activity (?) and sleep more even if I have homework to do? Maybe this step would works if you have different priorities but it’s not good for me.
4. This is a good tip. I've heard that 20% of our time doesn't depend on us because everyday something unpredicted (e.g. accidents or traffic jams) happens. So this is logical.
5. This is absolutely not for me! In the morning, I have to put on clothes, have breakfast and go to school. I am already late for classes too often… If I could schedule my day in the evening before that day (what I do), it would be OK.
6. That’s not bad but I don’t think it would affect my life significantly… I guess this tip is addressed to entrepreneurs.
7. I could do that.
8. The first part of this point doesn’t concern me because I don’t have Facebook, Snapchat etc. but I should adjust to the rest. I frequently stop doing my homework because my brother showed me something, or I started watching something on TV or my mum asked me about something and we started a discussion… I must realize that I have to do my duties first!
9. This will be necessary, too. I think it can be even essential because the Internet is what distracts me from my duties the most.
10. This is an important tip because I plan too much to do for one day.

Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Nowadays the issue of managing time is a concern of many people owing to the fact that modern world is full of hustle and bustle and it's not easy keep pace to it. I'm definitely a person of this kind- the one who always struggles with passing time and complains about insufficient amount of hours in a day.
For people like me- a little bit scatty and frequently forgetful- organising the schedule of a day isn't a piece of cake. I've made plenty of attempts of organising my life: sticky notes, notebooks and even smartphone applications, but any of them would manage to make me less disorganised.
The worst aspect of issue in question is that I happen to neglect some really significant matters to me. For instance I strive to learn languages (Spanish and English to be more precise) for at least an hour a day, beacuse I'm eager to achieve a life success, but every so often my laziness tends to overcome my productivity, and when it comes to it, I feel really bad about myself.
The best solution to that case would be an additional hour every day, so I would have a time to unwind more and consequently- be capable of studying more.
For the present, I'm still trying to find a way how to effinciently organise my time, but fortunately, I'm still just a teenager and I can afford some scattines for now.

As we can see, internet is full of advices on how to string your life together by for example adjusting to particular schedules of a day or enhancing your life through practising healthy habits. But the question is if all of them are really useful, and what's more- feasible to accomplish? After reading an article on a website "Entrepreneur" everything should become more clear for every reader (or at least most of them).
To start, I would like to say that aforementioned article appeals to me, as well as it gave me a chance to notice some hard to spot aspects like difference between clock and real time. Before reading that, I haven't given much thought to it, but I think I will since now.
The first of all advices is not that bad as it may seem at first sight. Recording your actions for a week could be a good opportunity to look at your life from completely different angle and enable you to notice some mistakes you make during your daily routine. Doing it all the time could be exhausting, but one week is not that long period of time, and it is probably worth your effort.
Making strict lists of appointments does not sound like a good idea mainly beacuse life is full of unexpected events and it is completely non-viable thing to do to predict all of them. We need to be more flexible, and that leads me to dismiss the idea of making strict appointment plans.
Scheduling time for interruptions is a great idea and I know it only too well from first-hand experience. I've lost count of times when I was trying to study and my instantly ringing phone detracted my attention from work. Everyone should stick to that rule!
Taking 30 minutes of every day to plan it precisely is not something what is possible to do for everyone, especially for the ones who live in a rush. This way of managing time will definitely never meet with my approval.
The next advice the website "Entrepreneur" gives to us is to put up a "do not disturb" sign when we absolutely have to get down to work. On the one hand, this might work, but on the other, seems to be a little bit rude.
To sum up, I think this article will be considered as useful, as well as otherwise- completely useless (depending on a particular person), but in my opinion some of these counsels are really good and I think I will use a couple of them in my future life.

Ola Bąk
Anonymous said…
I'm well- organised person but only from Monday to Friday. On these days I have my morning routine and I plan my afternoons depending on what I have to prepare for school. But weekends are disaster. I can't find enough time to do everything I've planned. In the Sunday evenings I don't feel satisfed, because I haven't done anything and I'm not even relaxed. How is it possible? I have no idea. I've tried a few techniques to better organise myself.
Once, I wrote a schedule, but it didn't work. I still haven't found a way that would be useful for me.

The advice shown in the video might be useful, but not every tip is suitable for me.
I find the first tip basic. I don't always know where my time runs out, so it would help me with finding the answer. I have to try.
Actually, I use tips two, three, seven and eight every day. I always do more important things first, because I know they'll bring good effects.
In the past I used to put a „Do not disturb” sign when I was working, but know I don't need it. Everyone knows that when I sit closed in my room, I work.
My friends also got used to the fact I can't answer their messages immediately.
I have to try the fourth tip. When I have a strict schedule I simply get irritated when someone interrupts me.
The tips numer five, six and nine are impossible for me to realise.
In the morning I don't have enought time to plan my whole day.
Considering every call and task? For me it's a... waste of time. In those five minutes I would have the call done. I also can't block out my Facebook account. I need to be online for the whole day, because of the important projects I take part in.
I think the tenth tip should be obvious for everyone. We all need to calm down from time to time :)

pabichu said…
1. As I see it I'm well-organised and hard-working person, who must have some break for doing unneeded things, like scrolling main page of Facebook from time to time. I think I control my time in a good way. To be more precise, almost always I find time for important (for me) activities, like sport, learning, leading a culinary blog. It's important to me not to waste of time on stupid programs on TV and computer games. I usually don't use any techniques in how good organize myself, but if I do I write tasks to fulfil for next day. It really helps me in extreme cases. It's helpful when I sum up all my day before I go to sleep. Then I see whether productive or unproductive things I did. If you ask me the day hasn't enough hours, because additional ones would be welcome. But I don't see sense in rebellion against unchangeable things.

2. I consider myself as a very busy person. I mean that I have a lot of extracurricular activities, like playing table tennis, working out at the gym, extra lessons of English. What's more, I keep culinary blog with huge motivation to lead health life and make good nutrition choices, which provide us only benefits. Many peoples from my environment couldn't believe how I am able to reconcile all of those activities with my good grades in school. It follows that I don't need tips from the video as much as disorganized people. To my mind, most of these techniques could be very helpful in good managing of our time. For example, write a plan for next week, but in my case that can't be a strict schedule which I must fulfil, because I don't like being under pressure. I must admit that I waste my time on different form of social media and I'm little bit addicted to my mobile, what's worrying me. Wisely would be cut down on this type of distractions. Also I agree wit tip number 10 - we couldn't be sure that we will complete all of our tasks, because it's impossible and we will only meet with disappointment.
I feel very strongly that we should put a lot of our valuable time to develop ourselves. It's a great investition! Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
Anonymous said…
1.To be honest i’m not well organised person. I can’t control my time because there is always something more important . Its not the best way of life . I don’t have any timetable so I frequently forgetting about something I have to do. Sometimes I just can’t do everything I have to, cause it’s too late and I’m getting sleepy. I can say that I’m leading spontaneous style of life. Even on spending free time at the weekend, I don’t plan everything earlier. I just call to my friends when I’m boring. However there is some kind of things that I have to remember so these ones I write on my phone. I wish I was more organized, though i haven't found the most usefull way for me.

2.There is a lot of useful advice of how to plan everyday in your life without waste of time. Everyone need another helpful hints and not every tip will be suitable for everyone. So it’s not quite simply. This article encouraged me to use some tips.
The first basic tip is number two, three and four. I think that it’s a good idea to make a list which include what you have to do and how much time you need for this. It’s very important to remember about some kinds of things because they are bringing good result. However making schedules doesn’t work for person who have lots of critically important things because ots not easy to access how much time you need to do it.
The tips number seven, eight and nine are the most needful for teenagers. To do some kind of work good you have to focus on it. It’s not easy when you are taking your phone and checking every applications like facebook , instagram or snapchat. You won’t concentrate and you time will run out. Suffice it to turn off your phone and computer and you will do everything on time.
I think that this article help me to understand controlling time . I will try to use this tips.

Anonymous said…
1.In this day time organization is very important. I can't imagine myself without a well-organized day. Every day I do a list what kind of things I must to do at the next day. Believe me, it makes life easier. I also recommend to carry a calendar or pocketbook or organizer. The other ways to control my time is definitely technology. Inter alia, I mean smartphone, ipad, laptop and iwatch. That's all result ,, a better me ". I know very well that I'm to young to have sclerosis but technology is really helpful to time management. With these equipment my every day is positive and cheerful. All we have to do is note precisely our responsibilities, extra activities and pleasure for a day, week or month. I have so many extra activities, sports activities and I have to learn to school and go to school. Each of as have a lot on our's plates and despite my youth age I have a lot to do in a short period of time. However, thanks to my notebook, calendar and of course technology I have all on control.

2.Thanks to the article and video we have to deal with many cool advices. These tips are showing me how useful and important they are. As it known beginings with time management are really hard and labor-intensive but everything is for human and to everything we can get used to.
Above all else, we should want this organization and I definitely like to have a control over my life. I agree with many tips from both sources. In my view the fifth tip can help everyone. In black and white we see what we must to do thanks to note. Dedication thirty minutes isn't to much to do this. In my opinion the tip number eight is very effective because we should learn avoiding unnecessary conversations and chats. Some people lose in this and next they don't have enought time for something else. I really like option seven and ten. We must clearly signal that we are bussy and we don't have time for a while. I do this and it's work! Secondly remember, we aren't a robots. We have a lot of duties but we only a humans. Not everything we do on time perfectly but ''better late than never''.
To my mind the video and article are great. Many tips I use and I will use. Only with one tip I don't agree, namely with orginise a week. In my case it's unplayable because we never know what will heppen.

Anonymous said…
1. These days, a lot of people uses something like "time management" to save time and carry on well-organised life. But what actually does mean time management ? It consists on planning every week, day and even hour of our lifes. In my opinion it may be very useful because while we're using time management we think about the plan for the near future, what makes us a lot of calmer. We know what we want to do and when, so we're becoming more relaxed and confident.
Personally I decided to stop spontaneous life and take steps of time managment, which I find really helpful. I started with planning my day, I think what I have to do, and when i have to do it. I divide every thing which I ought to do on right time and at the night I feel full satisfied because I have done everything what I wanted. While using time management, I have enough time for everything. Beyond planning my day I spare a lot of time, so I meet my friends or play basketball when I want. Summing up, I think that time managment is neccesery thing in our lives and I would like to invite everyone to trying that !

2. I think that in my case the most useful tip would be tip number one. I am aware of my completely unreasonable activities like gazing at wall or banging my desk using pencil. While i'm doing it i think about totally purposeless thing, so I waste my time unnecessarily. The next tip, which I revere is fifth advice, because i practise it and find very effective. Through making plan of my day in the morning, I avoid later situation in which I don't know what I should to do. Nextly, I enjoy number six coz using it I reach every purpose which I wanted and I don't lose time on other calls during which I talk about things I forgot. Next, it's fairly clear that advice number seven is very helpful. I don't intend to express my thoughts about it, coz everybody hates when other people disturbs us in important issues. On the other hand I would like to say something about ineffective (in my opinion) tips. Firstly, I don't recommend advice number eight, because it's possible that by ignoring phone we can miss very important messeges. A lot of times turning off my phone deprived me of great opportunities. Secondly, I don't regard tip number four. In my opinion we should be "flexible" in our activities, which mean that we work not only in appointed date and we rest not only during break. Ok, that's all from me.

Anonymous said…
1. A lot of people complain about the lack of time. I belong to this group, because I'm not organized person. I can't control my time, what's so annoying! Well, my mornings are the same, but nothing else. Often, when I start to learn my sister or best friend call to me, so I answer. I prefer scrolling main page of Facebook or going out with friends rather than learning or doing something useful. Voices in my head gonna be like: "Oh, come on Natalia! You have a lot of time to do that. You'll do it later!" I don't have enough time, day should be 40-hour. Maybe then, I would to get enough sleep :)

1. Yeah, that's something for me! I need to inform myself how much time I'm wasting for useless things and seriously wonder about how can I change it.
2.I think it would work, because then I know what and when have to do.
3. It doesn't work, because sometimes you have to spend, for example 70% of your time for different, important actions.
4. It's a good tip, because in life each of us can happen unforeseen situations. It's bull's-eye.
5. No, no, no! What's that? Schedule? I don't like to waste my precious 15 minutes sitting on the chair and planning my day. Maybe when the day will be longer... So, never.
6. Again tip isn't for me. Only 5 minutes, but it's too much.
7. It sounds good, maybe I will use that.
8. Yeah, I have to practice that. I have a problem with concentrate at one thing, when my phone is ringing or when I hear the sounds of Facebook application.
9. I have to do that, I think that's great idea.
10. I'll remember about, I too much often leave all important things at the last minute.
I think that majority of directions is useful.

Anonymous said…
It is important to develop effective strategies for managing one's time to balance the conflicting demands of time for study, leisure, earning money or jobhunting, some say. Time management skills are valuable in many various aspects of life: from revising for examinations to working in a vacation job, some say.
Great in theory, nevertheless quite a bit harder in practice. Of course, I try to manage the time in a productive way, to control the chaos, to live in an orderly style of life. I repeatedly set clear goals and review the progress towards them. I make an attempt to write down everything I do in a determined period to identify areas of my life when I waste time as well as moments when I am the most productive, then schedule demanding tasks for these times. What is the most frustrating, is that I simply don't turn the plans into action. Why? Arguably because I am too slack to do everything I have planned before or I just need an hour or two (which were supposed to be filled with plenty of useful and significant for my self-development activities) to rest and chill out.
Ergo, I frequently waste too much time instead of doing even crucial tasks (you simply have to look at the datum of my homework: the deadline was yesterday), what leads to the sad truth. I don't have enough time for all of my obligatory, but also extracurricular activities, and I can blame only myself.

Anonymous said…
In my view, the directions are a prime outset to start managing one's time succesfully. Nonetheless, initially we need to be aware that our life is disquietingly short and we should estimate every single minute, just because it could be so prominent (have a great influence on our whole existence). I emphasise this necessity owing to the autor of the articlIt is important to develop effective strategies for managing one's time to balance the conflicting demands of time for study, leisure, earning money or jobhunting, some say. Time management skills are valuable in many various aspects of life: from revising for examinations to working in a vacation job, some say.
Great in theory, nevertheless quite a bit harder in practice. Of course, I try to manage the time in a productive way, to control the chaos, to live in an orderly style of life. I repeatedly set clear goals and review the progress towards them. I make an attempt to write down everything I do in a determined period to identify areas of my life when I waste time as well as moments when I am the most productive, then schedule demanding tasks for these times. What is the most frustrating, is that I simply don't turn the plans into action. Why? Arguably because I am too slack to do everything I have planned before or I just need an hour or two (which were supposed to be filled with plenty of useful and significant for my self-development activities) to rest and chill out.
Ergo, I frequently waste too much time instead of doing even crucial tasks (you simply have to look at the datum of my homework: the deadline was yesterday), what leads to the sad truth. I don't have enough time for all of my obligatory, but also extracurricular activities, and I can blame only myself.

In my view, the directions could be a prime device to start managing one's time succesfully. Nonetheless, initially we need to be aware that our life is disquietingly short and we should estimate every single minute, just because it could be so prominent ( have a great influence on our whole existence ). I emphasise this necessity owing to the author of the article, as he counsels turning every passive while into useful action.
In conclusion, to become more and more efficient, we ought to change our whole lives and convert them in a huge schedule by following those tips.
As for me:
1. This is what I actually do and I have to admit it really works, even if- helps to understand how much a person can do in 24 hours, which sound so ridicously little after all.
2. By confining one's appointments time we also confine ourselves and risk having plenty of unexpected states of affaris which could easily destroy our intricate schedule.
3,4. I follow the directions every day.
5. In the morning I frequently can't find time to do even basic activities such as drinking tea nor making the bed so I couldn't imagine devoting the precious time for making a schedule.
6. I don't think I would everything remember about takiego notes before receiving every call
7. I guess I could do that.
8. I do it almost always
9. As I don't use any social media, they are not any kind of distraction for me.
10. That's probably the Best direction. I now and again plan too much for one day, and then I don't do anything- the long schedule is just daunting.
Anonymous said…
Something went wrong with the 2nd text.
This is a right one.

In my view, the directions could be a prime device to start managing one's time succesfully. Nonetheless, initially we need to be aware that our life is disquietingly short and we should estimate every single minute, just because it could be so prominent ( have a great influence on our whole existence ). I emphasise this necessity owing to the author of the article, as he counsels turning every passive while into useful action.
In conclusion, to become more and more efficient, we ought to change our whole lives and convert them in a huge schedule by following those tips.
As for me:
1. This is what I actually do and I have to admit it really works, even if- helps to understand how much a person can do in 24 hours, which sound so ridicously little after all.
2. By confining one's appointments time we also confine ourselves and risk having plenty of unexpected states of affaris which could easily destroy our intricate schedule.
3,4. I follow the directions every day.
5. In the morning I frequently can't find time to do even basic activities such as drinking tea nor making the bed so I couldn't imagine devoting the precious time for making a schedule.
6. I don't think I would everything remember about takiego notes before receiving every call
7. I guess I could do that.
8. I do it almost always
9. As I don't use any social media, they are not any kind of distraction for me.
10. That's probably the best direction. I plan now and again too much for one day, and then I don't do anything- the long schedule is just daunting.
Anonymous said…
1. I'm not very organised person but it's not a problem for me. Of course sometimes it's hard to live like that because I forget to do something or just I don't have time for this but I'm too lazy to change this. Almost always myday looks like I woke up, went to school, got back, ate something and it depends from my lessons if I have any I'm starting to learn or if I have a free midday I going to sleep and it will be great but the problem is that I mostly just do nothing until midnight and then I'm starting to learn. For a question "Do you have enough time?" I must say yes but I'm losing the main part by my laziness. I'm not using any techniques to better organize myself but who knows maybe somedays I will try one.
2.In my opinion almost every technique which is shown in this article is good because they are very logic and usefull but more for the oldest people than me because they have more static life then people in my age. For teenager like me especially eight and nine should be great cause social media and phone takes the most time but other tehniques are worth attention too. Like tip number one which is nice too cause it shows us what and when we have to do and how much time we waste. Technique number four it's very good because our brains need some breaks between effort. The tip number five for me is complete useless because in the morning when I wake up before school I don't have any time to thinking what I want to do in this day. Also number seven is a little dumb because when someone who want something from me it will not pay attention to the sign. Summing up most of the techniques might help me to save some time but not all I will never use tips five and seven but maybe for someone it will be great idea. I hope that with this methods I will save some time and learn more effective .
Igor Merczyński
Anonymous said…
1. I think that i not good at controling time. I cosider myself as a
person which is living a moment and not planing anything for a long
period of time because it's mostly not ending up well.
Im not very proud of the way i managing time but i can live with that because it's
just a way i am. Funny thing is that I have time for everything i want because i
don't have many duties but generaly i'm wasting it on some crap.
2. I think that most of the tips are very useful and generaly helpful for people
who consider themself as unreliable person and want to change it
in small period of time and not doing much effort.(36)Anyway i think that some
of those tips are useful like the one which says that if you have some important
work to do you should put up "do not disturb" sing. I think this tip will not work
well because most of people dont care about them at all and just come in to you with
thier problem anyway.(96)We're living in the strange times where people dont respect
your privacy. The rest of tips seems to be worth our attention and maybe i will try
them myself to become more reliable person than i am.

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