Homework post for C 15

How slow can you go? Have you heard of the idea of Slow Movement? Well, if you're interested here you'll find a Wikipedia entry on this issue and here there's the official website. Get informed and post a comment expressing your opinion (min. 120 words, deadline 30 March, volunteers). Enjoy it.


Monika said…
In my opinion „Slow Movement” is unreal idea. People live faster and faster and anybody can stop this. But this is good idea. If we can live faster maybe we can live slowly again??
The true is people in the past live slowly than people in this century. In the past people haven’t got any internet, cars, and every things without this we can’t manage at all. They live slowly, but we live faster. We can eat faster, walk faster, sleep faster. Our live is longer but it passed faster. Is this good?? Maybe at some time we hasn’t time for us live, for my own live.
Maybe in the future idea “ Slow Movement” been most popular, but not for people who work in cities like New York, or Warsaw.
Anonymous said…
The idea of SLOW MOVEMENT it’s a kind of legendary country- UTOPIA.
They are trying to embody this think for life on a few ways, for example: rescue environment, connection people, support green business and to support many organizations similar her. It’s important for me that in this time exist way to run away at very busy world. I like things to escape from present to past, without computers, TV and rest convenience modern world and, what’s the most important, with whole family (once a year could be that).
Smart is to teaching the children, no different stupid thing (like duty of mathematic or construction of atom, which I never watch) only thereof what’s important: how life.
I know that idea Slow Movement is impossible to realise but her should exist how nice dream of perfection world.

Artur Bugajny
Anonymous said…
I think ,,The Slow Movement” is very optimistic intention. Our life is very fast. It is leading to stress. We go to job or school evreyday. We study a lot of new things everyday. We can develop new skills in jobs and schools but we don’t have much time for family. I think it is a wrong way. We don’t have time for picnic or playing football with children. We disappear from our friends and place where we live. We can’t living with parents or grandparents under the same roof. We agree with them. We can’t invalve in cooking and mealtimes. We work fast, life fast , drive fast... We rush our food, our family time and free time. We want bigger house, better car. We work longer hours. We do it for family but we hardly see them. I value downshifting people. Their life is very interesting. They know what they want to their life. We must do something with our life. We have to think about it. We must answer to one question. What are we searching in our life....?? I think ,,The Slow Movement” organization is very necessary in our world.

Rafał Baranowski
Anonymous said…
I think it’s a great idea with this organization. We have to live slowly! Because all in the world pass so guickly. We live in continous rush and impetus so we become stressed. It’s doesn’t influence very good for us and our health. We haven’t go so little time for family and friends and they havent’t got it for us too. So we’re distasteful for everybody and everybody areunpleasant for us.
The aims of ,,The Slow Movement” are very ambitious but it isn’t mean not to do.
Everybody should slow down and sometimes stopped in a place to remember a lot of things of our life. Think “It’s something wrong” and change it to better. The goals isn’t hart to do but it is necessary to be resistent and firm.
Aneta Chaładyniak
Anonymous said…
Idea of the slow movement seems to be very good for people. It makes a contrast to the fast life, full of stress, fast food and being still in rush, what as the proverb says:haste makes waste, is not good. It has a lot of advantages:
First of all, it helps people get slower and probalbly more healthy life, makes people more calm and makes them more aware of their body and everything, what thay do.
It also makes them more connected to the other people, food and everything...It is very important in our busy world to have a distance and to be conscious of what we do.We can not forget about another important worths in our lives like love, family and other people. We should remember that life is not only having money and working.
Friends and family must play an important role in our life- be inherent element of it. In my opinion Slow movement helps to reach that balance through the living in consent and surrounding us people. As a researches show people need it:the best proof of that teory is still increasing popularity of buddism, which is a way of living in peace with the surround. What is more building connections people to almost everything, including food and people, has a good influence on them and their conciousness of the descent.
Anonymous said…
In my opinion The Slow Movement is a interesting idea. If people will try do this it wil be possible. But it depends on work, styl of life and mentality. Of course mayor can try to manage series corpus, which help people in slow life. But is it to pay? I don't think so. All restaurants, hotels and business to lose big money and in world moneys are important for people. I did hear about this type ideas.But everybody else understand this idea? Maybe yes or maybe no. Nevertless to people true, that slow life is more healthy and nicer than faster, to reach to late.
Justyna Mikulska

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