Watch a story

Obejrzyj historyjkę o niedźwiedziu.
What can you see?

Write about as many details as possible. (Wynotuj jak najwięcej szczegółów).
Dodaj komentarz.
Print and do this. Wydrukuj i zrób to.

Enjoy :)


blodek-(maciek) said…
I can see a bear.
I can see a tree.
I can see a squirrel.
I can see a frog.
I cann se sunglasses.
I can see a leaf.
I can see an umbrella.
I can see a water.
I can see an ski.
I can see a snow.
I can see a lettuce.
I can see a banana.
I can see a carrot.
Very Well Maciek

Drobne poprawki
I can see snow (przed wyrazem 'snow' nie używamy 'a'

I can see sunglasses
piotrek said…
I can see a bear.
I can see a tree.
I can see snow.
I can see a water.
I can see a banana.
Mino said…
I can see water.
I can see banana.
I can see umbrela.
I can see bear.
I can see snow.
I can see leaf.
I can see carrot.
I can see frog.
I can see tree.
Julia said…
I can see trees
I can see snow
I can see friends
I can see an umbrella
I can see a frog
I can see an orange
I can see an aplle
I can see a salad
I can see a banana
I can see a carrot
I can see a cauliflower
I can see a squirrel
I can see a badger
I can see water
I can see a bear
I can see sunglasses
Mińka said…
I can see a tree.
I can see a frog.
I can see a skunk.
I can see a squirrel.
I can see a bar.
I can see a flor
I can see a umbrella
I can see water
I can see a leaves
I can see snow
I can see a apple
I can see a orange
I can see a food
Well done everyone.
Ale pamiętajcie (but remember)
I can see sundlasses (nie używamy 'a')
I can see water (nie używamy 'a')
I can see food (nie używamy 'a')
I can see a ski (jedna narta więc użyjemy 'a')
I can see an orange, an apple, an umbrella.
I can see leaves. (nie używamy 'a')
Anonymous said…
I can't see anything
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