Individual work for 2D: money.


Post your answers as comments. Deadline: 21 December. Word limit: min 200 words.


Anonymous said…
1. I'm careful with money.
2. I don't remember last time when i run out of money.
3. Not always because, i'm paying with credit card.
4. I'm saving for that thing or buy cheaper version of it.
5. For first i would buy a house and invest in crypto.
6. Ofcourse not.
7. I think not because they are "teenagers".
8. No i don't know anyone but i think most of entrepreneurs got to start their own business
9. Yes i think because most of celebrities have more money than sense.
Igor Chruściel 2D
Anonymous said…
1.Usually, I'm careful careful with money
2.I'm trying to earn money
3.Yes. always
4.Earn money for that thing
5.I would invest it
6.I think not
7.I'm not sure but maybe yes
8.Yes, my friend but I don't remember for what
9.I think yes, sometimes they're loosing their mind
Marek Domagalski 2D
Anonymous said…
1. I’m careful with money.
2. I ask my parents if they can lend me some money.
3. Not always, but sometimes yes.
4. I patiently saving money for this thing.
5. I think I would buy a car first.
6. No.
7. I don’t think that, because they are more mature than kids.
8. No, I don’t know anyone.
9. Yes, a lot of celebrities have more money than sense, because they buy things only to show people how rich they are.

Rozalia B.
Anonymous said…
1. I try be careful with money, but it happens I buy usuless things or decorations.
2. Nothing, I just don't spend them.
3. No, but I never got wrong change.
4. I save somewhere what thing I want to not forget about this.
5. I think it would be a new computer or house.
6. I think that no.
7. In my opinion kids could think that, but teenagers no.
8. No, I don't know anyone.
9. Yes, most of them.
Magda Kulda
Anonymous said…
1. With
I'm carefull with money.
2. run
Wait until Christmas.
3. change
Not always, but usually yes.
4. afford
I save money to buy it or just don't buy it at all.
5. money
I would probably buy a new chair. The old one is really uncomfortable.
6. worth.    
Yes, there was one time when I was in a store. I was buying something and when they gave me the change I saw that they gave me the wrong amount of money.
7. made
Not all the kids but some probably do. The ones that feel entitled and are brought up to be spoiled tend to think that their parents can afford everything they want.
8. raising.  
Yes. A friend of my dad raised money for his son that has a cancer through crowdfunding.
9. in, sense  
When I think of a celebrity that has more money than sense first person that comes to my mind is Travis Scott. When he had a concert fans started to pass out but he didn't stop singing. Eight people died during that concert.

Paweł Owczarek 2D
Anonymous said…
1. I am careful with money, and I do not spend it like water, because I would never want to find myself in a situation where I cannot pay for something that I need to buy. Situation of these sort happen very often when you spend money carelessly.

2. As I mentioned earlier, I do not spend money carelessly, so I have never been in a situation where I ran out of money, and I would like it to stay that way.

3. I always check my change after buying something because I do not want to get scammed. Money does not grow on trees, after all.

4. I do not have a job yet. If I want to buy something I need to start saving from my pocket money.

5. If I had money to burn, I would buy a mansion in the Swiss mountains, where I could enjoy my retirement and senior years of life.

6. I remember paying about 50 zloty in a bakery for two little cakes and some juice. I did not really think I was getting my money's worth, but I was hungry, so I bought them anyway.

7. I would not say teenagers think their parent are made of money, teenagers realize that you must earn your living. I would say it is younger kids that think of their parents this way, since they do not know how hard work can be.

8. I do not know anyone who is raising money through crowdfunding, but I know that there is a lot of people that do it. Crowdfunding is an excellent way to provide resources for challenging projects like starting a radio or introducing an innovative product to the market.

9.A celebrity rolling in money is definitely Kim Kardashian. I think she has more money than sense, because she mentioned in an interview once that she never used the pool in her house, even though she wanted to have it.

Monika Bączkowska 2D
Anonymous said…
1. with
I rather try to be careful about money.
2. run
When I am running out of money, most often I ask my parents to lend me.
3. change
Rarely though sometimes I will check.
4. afford
I can try to save.
5. money
I think I would buy tickets for a trip around the world first.
6. worth
I think not.
7. made
I think children believe this more than teenagers because they are older and should be smarter .
8. raise
No, I don't know anyone like that. But I think people do it because they want to start their business.
9. in, sense
I think there are many celebrities like that. When they have so much money, they often "lose their heads".

Gracjan Janicki 2D
Anonymous said…
1) I'm careful with money. (with)
2) When I'm running out of money, I usually ask my parents if they would lend me some or I wait for some opportunities where I can get it. (run)
3) Honestly, not always, because sometimes I'm in a rush. (change)
4) I start collecting money and when I finally do it I buy it what i wanted . (afford)
5) I would probably invest that money in a house or some business. (money)
6) I think not. (worth)
7) I think most teenagers don't think that because they already know more or less the value of money. (made)
8) I don't know anybody like that. (raise)
9) Most celebrities have a lot more money than sense. (in, sense)
Wiktoria Osińska kl.2D
Anonymous said…
1.(with)I’m usually careful with money because I try to save some but when i finally go shopping i spend them all in once.
2.(run)when i’m run out of money i just don’t buy anything for yourself and wait till next month.
3.(change)i don’t check my change because i pay by credit card so i don’t need to.
4.(afford)i just wait till i get some money or i borrow money from my parents.
5.(money).if i had money to burn i would buy a lot of expensive clothes, maybe new parcel and house, something for my best friend and family.
6.(worth) it was about one year ago and i was at starbucks. I bought myself a iced-coffee and i paid more than 20zl, i don’t remember maybe 25zl? i think that was way to much money for simple coffee but i wanted to try this so i did it.
7.(made)maybe they don’t think that their parents are made of money but in my opinion teenagers don’t respect theirs parents’ money. they often ask them to give them a lot of money or buy them something really expansive and not important but when parents don’t want to do it or just can’t kids are really angry and rude.
8.(raise)i don’t know people who is raising money through crowdfunding but in my opinion it’s really good and interesting way to get some money.
9.(in,sense)i think Cardi B is rolling in money because she has a collection of cars like Porsche or a Lamborghini and she can’t even drive. Does she have more money than sense? i honestly don’t know, i don’t know her i just saw a video with her on tiktok ,,she got porsche but she can’t drive”

Karolina Gąsior 2D
Anonymous said…
1. I prefer spending money like water. (with)
2. I'm trying to earn money. (run)
3. No, I don't. (change)
4. I'm saving money for this thing. (afford)
5. I think, that would be a house or some of expensive clothes on my wish list (money)
6. I don't remember. (worth)
7. Not really. (made)
8. I know that person. It was sister of my ex-girlfriend. She was saving for an eye-operation.(raise)
9. Yes, a lot of famous persons have more money than sense. They want to show us how rich they are. (in, sense)

Antoni Masłowski 2D
Anonymous said…
1. I personally think that I am carefull with money. I always try to be responsible when it comes to spending money and I really don’t like wasting it.
2. I don’t remember if I ever had a sytuation when I run out of money, but if this happend I would probably just borrow from my patrents.
3. I usually try to at least look at my receipt and check my change after buying something, unless I’m in a hurry and I don’t have time.
4. If I want to buy something I can’t afford I usually just wait a little bit and save money for it, but if it’s something I have to buy immediately I ask my parents for a loan.
5. If I had some money to burn I think I would get myself a new phone or I would buy a trip abroad for me and my family
6. I felt I didn’t get my money's worth when I bought myself a very expensive sweater that I thought would look amazing, but after I took it out of a washing machine I found out that it was completely destroyed.
7. In my opinion, some of the teenagers do believe that their parents are made out of money and I think that many young people don’t appreciate their parents work.
8. I do. My mom has been organizing a charity marathon for disabled people for five years now and every one of them had a crowdfunding site to raise money for a treatment or a wheelchair.
9. In my my opinion the Kaddashian family is rolling in the money, but I believe they have more money than sense, because they spend money on things they don’t need, all the time and never use it, like clothes that they buy just to take a photo for an Instagram.
Ania Drozd 2d
Anonymous said…
Ex 4
1. with
A: I’m definitely careful with money.

2. run
A: I don’t know, because it’s never happened to me. I’ve been always trying to have some money in my wallet or bank account.

3. change
A: I don’t think so, I only do it when a change is big.

4. afford
A: I think I would save my money or take a loan and then buy this thing.

5. money
A: For as long as I can remember, I’d like to buy a sport horse, because it’s my biggest dream to have one.

6. worth
A: No, I’ve never felt like this.

7. made
A: I think most of teenagers respect their parents’ money, but of course some of them think that their parent are made of them.

8. raising
A: I don’t know anybody who do something like that personally but I think it’s really good and generous.

9. in, sense
A: I think Kylie Jenner has more money than sense, because she spends money on unnecessary things like bags, outfits and many cosmetics.

Weronika IId
Anonymous said…
1. Do you spend money like water or are you careful with money?
I think I’m more into spending money like water but I organise my budget, too. I think I spend my money carefully and save it. But when I see something that I really want I quickly buy it without thinking a lot.

2. What do you usually do when you run out of money?
I think I never or hardly ever run out of money. So when I see that my bank account is getting smaller I usually start to limit my spending. Sometimes I get nervous about it because what I will do when I really need it.

3. Do you always check your change after buying something?
Not really. I mainly pay with a payment card. However when I buy something with cash I don’t check my change unless it’s someone else’s money.

4. What can you do if you want to buy something that you can’t afford it?
That kind of situation doesn’t usually happen to me. I think it depends on the situation and what it is. Sometimes I try to earn money doing something or I ask for this at Christmas or on my birthday.

5. If you had money to burn, what would you buy first? It might sound silly but if I had money to burn, at first I wouldn’t really think about what it is, I would just spend it. So it will probably be some vacations or some designer accessories like my dream shoes or bag.

6. Have you ever felt you didn’t get your money’s worth? Tell me about it.
Yes, I often think about it. Because I like spending my money on something that is worth it and on something that I can keep. So I hate spending my own saved money on food for example because I have it at home.

7. Do you think most teenagers believe their parents are made of money?
I don’t think so. In my opinion more and more teenagers think about monetary value so they work for their money and spend it on whatever they want. But some kids probably don’t realise it and they keep asking their parents for things they can afford.

8. Do you know of anyone who’s risen money through crowdfunding? Who? What for?
Yes, it becomes more and more common. My mum and her running club every year organise a major sports event where people are eager to participate. I think it’s an easy way to earn money for any charity idea.

9. Think of a celebrity who is rolling in money. Do you think he/she has more money than sense? Why?
There are lots of celebrities who lost their minds and sense while earning lots of money. We can see them buying things they don’t even need. I don’t really know why they do this but it is a proof that money isn’t everything.
H. Zalewska 2d
Anonymous said…
1. Do you spend money like water or are you careful with money? (with)
To be honest I'm not responsible with money. I prefer spending money like water.
When I have money, i usually spend this in few days since i earned it. I don't need a lot of time to buy something.

2. What do you usually do when you run out of money? (run)
When I'm run out of money, I'm just trying to earn it.
Luckily, I'm a teenager and I can count from helpful hand from my parents.
But when I see I'm near being run out of money, I'm trying to don't spending money.

3. Do you always check your change after buying something? (change)
No, I don't and that is a problem. One day I bought a Coca- cola and chips. I paid with a cash 50zl.
My value of purchases was about 10zl and change was the same. I was down like 40zl.

4. What can you do if you want to buy something that you can’t afford it? (afford)
When I'm dreaming about something, that I can't afford I'm saving my money for this thing or i ask my parents, if they can borrow me money.
I can also ask them if they can buy it for me for present under Christmas tree.

5. If you had money to burn, what would you buy first?
I like spending money. I think, that would be a house or some of expensive clothes on my wish list.
I think i will also invest part of money in apartments for example in big cities near ocean or sea. (money)

6. Have you ever felt you didn’t get your money’s worth? Tell me about it.(worth)
Yes of course. I want to spend my money for things like clothes, that i can use a lot of times.
So I hate spending money in for example McDonald's. I can it eat only once, but i spend 20zl.
It is so unprofitable.

7. Do you think most teenagers believe their parents are made of money? (made)
I don't think so. I think most of the teenagers are aware of parents' money.
For my young people know what mean work.

8. Do you know of anyone who’s risen money through crowdfunding? Who? What for? (raise)
I know that person. It was sister of my ex-girlfriend. She was saving for an eye-operation.
She had to fly to the USA, because that was only one place, where they were doing this complicated operation.

9. Think of a celebrity who is rolling in money. Do you think he/she has more money than sense? Why? (in, sense)
Yes, a lot of famous persons have more money than sense. They want to show us how rich they are.
A lot of rappers do it like this. But in my opinion that is their lifestyle. That is the way how they earn money colloquially saying by “flexing”

Antoni Maslowski 2D
Anonymous said…
1. Do you spend money like water or are you careful with money?
Now I try to be careful with money, at one time I was spending money on useless things like crayons, cushions, and lights . I don’t regret some of them, but now I have enough. And now it happens I spend money on clothes or something but it's a thoughtful buy.

2. What do you usually do when you run out of money?
When I run out of money I just don’t spend them on useless things, because they may be useful at one time.

3. Do you always check your change after buying something?
If I paid a lot of money I check the change, but if it is normal shopping I don’t check them. But most of the time I just forget to check the change, but I think I should do it to don't be scammed.

4. What can you do if you want to buy something that you can’t afford it?
If it is an important thing I save notes about this to not forget and save the money for this. Or if it’s not important I just don’t buy her. And also I never borrow money.

5. If you had money to burn, what would you buy first?
It would be a new computer or maybe some pretty house. But I don’t think too much about what will happen. Most people when they get/win much money, they don’t know what do with this quantity of money and they spend all money and go back to square one or the commit suicide what is sad think.

6. Have you ever felt you didn’t get your money’s worth? Tell me about it.
I think that could be the useless things which I was buying. I also think I don't get my money's worth when I buy food, but luckily I seldom buy food, because I eat at home, and seldom eat outside and other snacks I buy when I’m in the shop with my parents.

7. Do you think most teenagers believe their parents are made of money?
No, I think teenagers know that for money you must work and their parents aren’t made of money. I think kids could think that, but they just don’t know how hard it could be to earn.

8. Do you know of anyone who’s risen money through crowdfunding? Who? What for?
I do not know anyone who is raising money through crowdfunding, but I think it’s so helpful if someone raises money for a good cause. But one time I saw some influencer raise money on a laptop.

9. Think of a celebrity who is rolling in money. Do you think he/she has more money than sense? Why?
I think most of them - yes, for example they buy a big house, car collection, expensive clothes, things of gold. This is their money, but for me buying these things is strange and they promote consumerism.
Magda K.
Anonymous said…
1. with
Rather, I try to be careful with money. I never spend them senselessly on stupidity, although it happens more than once to me.
2. run
Most often, when I run out of money, I ask my parents for a loan. Sometimes I also do some household chores to earn some extra money.
3. change
I don't really check. However, there are times when I am not sure that I will check, often because I do not trust the seller.
4. afford
I can try to save. It's not always a quick method, but if I really cared about something, I think I would have endured it.
5. money
I think I would buy tickets for a trip around the world first, because I love to travel and learn about the culture of other countries. And because one of my dreams is to visit the United States.
6. worth
Sometimes I think so. Often, when I managed to have some money instead of spending it on something valuable, I spent it on various stupid things, e.g. eating in fast food restaurants.
7. made
I don't think so. Rather, the children believe it because they are still young and do not yet know the world and the value of money so well. Teenagers should understand this by now and be aware that everything has to be worked hard.
8. raise
I don't know anyone like that. But it seems to be a very good way to start a business. Thanks to crowdfunding, you can also raise money in a good way for a good cause.
9. in, sense
I think there are many such celebrities. When they have a lot of money, they often "lose their minds". With so much money, they don't know what to do with it and just brag about it or spend it on nonsensical stupidities. They also often try to find acquaintances and friends in this way.

Gracjan Janicki 2D
Anonymous said…
1) I'm careful with money. Usually I try to plan my expenses and limit them to the most necessary things. In my opinion this is a better way than spend money like water. (with)
2) When I'm running out of money, I usually ask my parents if they would lend me some or I wait for some opportunities where I can get it. For example, I earn some extra money during the summer holidays, so during the school year I try to limit my expenses. (run)
3) Honestly, not always, because sometimes I'm in a rush or I pay card. But this is a problem, because you should check if you got the right amount of the change, because as we know, anyone can do some mistake. (change)
4) I start collecting money and when I finally do it I buy it what i wanted. Sometimes I ask my parents if, for example, they would like to contribute to the sum or buy me as a gift. (afford)
5) I would probably invest that money in a house or some business. But it's also very likely that I would go shopping. (money)
6) I think not. I think that I manage the money I have wisely. (worth)
7) I think most teenagers don't think that because they already know more or less the value of money. A lot of teenagers do not think so, because many of them earn extra money during the holidays and they know what hard work means. (made)
8) I don't know anybody like that. I think this is a good way to raise money if you need it quickly. (raise)
9) Most celebrities have a lot more money than sense. There are many such examples. They don't need sense when they have money and a good image. (in, sense)
Wiktoria Osińska kl. 2D
Anonymous said…
Ex 4
1. Do you spend money like water or are you careful with money?
A: I’m definitely careful with money. I’ve been always tring to have some money on my bank account. I often think twice before buying something. I believe we shouldn’t buy more things than we need.

2. What do you usually do when you run out of money?
A: I don’t know, because it’s never happened to me. I think it’s really important to save your money and have savings. But if something like that happens to me I’ ll ask my parents for help. That’s why I don’t have to worry about it.

3. Do you always check your change after buying something?
A: I don’t think so, I only do it when change is big. But it’s kind of interesting question, because we have to watch out for unjust sellers who want to trick us.

4. What can you do if you want to buy something that you can’t afford it?
A: I think I could save my money, take a loan or ask for it one of my close friends or family members. I suppose the third option is the best choice, because you can get money fast and very easily this way.

5. If you had money to burn, what would you buy first?
A: For as long as I can remember, I’d like to buy a sport horse, because it’s my biggest dream to have one. Furthermore, I’d like to doante money for a charity or to The Third World. I’m sure that these people need money more than me and they don’t have enough food or potable water to drink. I think that’s horrible and unfair.

6. Have you ever felt you didn’t get your money’s worth? Tell me about it.
A: No, I’ve never felt like this.

7. Do you think most teenagers believe their parents are made of money?
A: I think most of teenagers respect their parents’ money, but of course some of them think that their parents are made of them and have an infinite amount of money, what’s not true.

8. Do you know of anyone who’s risen money through crowdfunding? Who? What for? (raise)
A: I don’t know anybody who did something like that personally but I think it’s really good opportunity to get money. This is a great thing, especially when someone really needs money and can’t afford an expensive surgery or medicines.

9. Think of a celebrity who is rolling in money. Do you think he/she has more money than sense? Why?
(in, sense)
A: I think Kylie Jenner has more money than sense, because she spends money on unnecessary things like bags, outfits and many cosmetics. I believe that she doesn’t need all of these things, because she already has a lot of them. I think it’s just a waste of money.

Weronika.B IId.
Anonymous said…
1. With
I'm trying to be careful with money but it doesn't always work. When I'm in a shop or shopping centre I always feel like I need to buy something.
2. run
When I don't have enough money I usually wait for holidays. I also try to earn some money by helping my dad.
3. change
I usually check my change because I don't trust anyone at all. I don't feel like being scammed by someone. I had one situation like this in the past.
4. afford
I usually just save money until I get enough to buy that thing. If that doesn't work I just don't buy it after all.
5. money
I would probably buy a new chair because the old one is so uncomfortable. After this I would probably just but a whole box of noodles.
6. worth.    
Yes, there was one time when I was in a store. I was buying something and when they gave me the change I saw that they gave me the wrong amount of money.
7. made
Not all the kids but some probably do. The ones that feel entitled and are brought up to be spoiled tend to think that their parents can afford everything they want.
8. raising.  
Yes. A friend of my dad raised money for his son that has a cancer through crowdfunding.
9. in, sense  
When I think of a celebrity that has more money than sense first person that comes to my mind is Travis Scott. When he had a concert fans started to pass out but he didn't stop singing. Eight people died during that concert.

Paweł Owczarek 2D

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